Adventures in feeding, parenting and generally managing a household of five boys

Adventures in feeding, parenting and generally managing a household of five boys

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Forced Sporting Events

pre game jitters

After dragging multiple little boys to various bigger boys' sporting events for many years, I always said that paybacks would be in order.  Unfortunately, that is rarely the case.  Usually because the biggers have their own things going on.  More often, though, because Mark and I enjoy the rare opportunity of watching one of the youngers unencumbered.  A lot of times, it is just not worth the "smack talk". 

What ever happened to "brotherly love"?

Liam and Rowan

Aidan had a basketball game on Saturday at the very respectable hour of 12:30, ensuring that all boys would be awake for the day.  The bribe was thrown out there that lunch would be "out" if they came to the game.  So we had a full contingent of Quinlans for basketball!

Mark and I went to a fundraiser for Patrick's baseball team Saturday evening.  We "won" a spin bike.  It now occupies a spot in our basement.  Mark jokes that it will be good for drying clothes on!  I loved spinning classes before I started running full time.  I may have to work that back in now that we have a bike.

We ate my salmon meal on Friday night.  Yes, Wednesday was too crazy, as I had predicted earlier in the week.  It was a big hit, with even Rowan having seconds!  He did scrape off the topping, which was similar to an olive tapenade.  Very yummy!  I'm so proud . . . I have now gotten the children to add salmon to their repertoire!


Liam's attempts with my camera

 Why can't I get my pictures to line up?!  Ugh!!

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