Adventures in feeding, parenting and generally managing a household of five boys

Adventures in feeding, parenting and generally managing a household of five boys

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All I Wanted . . . .

Growing up, we would often go to Cleveland to visit my grandparents for Easter.  One of the highlights of that Easter trip would be the "lamb cake" we would have from the now non-existent Hough Bakery.  Not only was the cake cute but, being a Hough cake, it would be good.  And, being one of many grandchildren, we would fight over who got the ears, the nose or the tail.  Ahhh, the memories!

Having moved to Columbus, I was actually able to find a lamb cake several years ago.  But, no more.  I was relegated to having this as a substitute for my lamb cake . . .

Imagine my horror!  Not only do we have a ton of strangely colored frosting, we also have green coconut, foil-covered chocolate eggs, candy sprinkles along the sides and a plastic "Happy Easter" sign.  Honestly, this was the lesser of the evils available at Kroger, and the one chosen by Aidan, who had accompanied me on this trip.

The only saving grace was the fact that it was a single layer cake, and thus was gone quickly.

I may have to research making a lamb cake for next year!!

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